Hey - I am happy that you found your way here onto my little site.
Find everything that I do in your favorite MMORPG here. Book me for your birthday party, wedding or for your club night. Or check out my housing skills?
And If you still have questions or so - just reach out!
BACK AT EDF XIII - Sunday, 6 April 2025 8:00 AM ST
Clubs where i played
Listen to me on
ST (Servertime / GMT)
Sets can be added or change.
Also meaning: between those sets and before is still time to get your booking in!

In April 2024 I had a mixxing set that lasted over 28 hours. And that all while streaming a certain Online-Game (MMORPG) Must be a world record?
Book me as a mixxing DJ for your Club or private Party via my Discord!Available on ALL Datacenters!
... and much more
& Entertaining for
and other Events!
Clubs where i played
Neon Nights
Skysingers beach club
The Green Room - Thursdays
Desert Rose
Anubis Nightclub
House of the Lily of the Valley
The Undergroove
Electric Six
Glut und Asche
L Atelier des Saveurs
the ascension nightclub
Soda Pop Club
Midnight Solace
La Signora
Non Exsistent
Vibe (event)
Eternal Night
Rabbits Burrow
Crystal Inn
Midnight Dew
The Nyan Club
Dorian Gray
Red Pedal @ Forest Valley
Lunar Eclipse
The Flamingo
No 7
Dalamud Lounge
7th Heaven
Crit Happens
Femboy Hooter (OCE)
Sound Factory
Danger Bongos
The Tavern
Galaxy Nightclub
Wild Dreams Host Club
Sweet Dreams
Ocean of Dreams
All upcoming EVENTS
Book me NOW!
Booking rules (for venues)
Please provide me with a genre wish at least 1 week before the booked date. Otherwise I play whatever I feel like!
The Twich-Name of the DJ that I raid into has to be provided before my stream starts. (otherwise I choose).
If you book me for your open end slot there is no set amount on how long I play. (It can be 15 minutes or 5 hours. I choose on where I raid into then)
Please provide me with a Venue Logo at least 2 hours before the stream start.
Make sure to advertise your venue.
At any time please contact me if you have questions.
Name | Location | Type | Size | Plattform |
"Glam Factory" NEW | Dynamis (DC) | Marilith | Mist | Ward 6 | Plot 15 | NightClub | Mansion | PC |
"The Undercat" closed | Twintania | The Lavender Beds | Ward 26 | Plot 57 | DJ House | House | PC |
"Twim K." under construction | Raiden | Lav. Beds - W17 P28 | House | Mansion | PC |
"Nintendo Meowseum" | Atomos | Shirogane | Ward 27 | Plot 53 | Home | Cottage | PC |
"Twim K." new | Marilith | Mist | Ward 23 | Plot 22 | Home | Cottage | PC |
"Neon Dreams" NEW | Raiden | Goblet | Ward 29 | Plot 35 | Neon Nights | Room 7 | Room | Room | PS5 |
"Rezz K." | Raiden | Goblet | Ward 11 | Plot 41 | Home | House | PC |
"O'tyada T." | Alpha | Empyreum | Ward 24 | Plot 31 | Home | Cottage | PC |
"Little Lights" | Phoenix | Mist | Ward 17 | Plot 14 | FC House | House | PS5 |
"Stardust Crusaders" | Alpha | Shirogane | Ward 1 | Plot 3 | FC House | Cottage | PS5 |
"Mia T." | Alpha | Mist | Ward 19 | Plot 24 | Home | Cottage | PS5 |
"Asia Dreams" | Twintania | Shirogane | Ward 18 | Plot 46 | NightHaven | Room 3 | Room | Room | PS5 |
"Dream Attic" | Twintania | Shirogane | Ward 18 | Plot 46 | NightHaven | Room 4 | Room | Room | PS5 |
Club / Venue Designs
Glam Factory
Glam Factory
Sound Factory 1
Sound Factory 2
Sound Factory 3
Sound Factory 4
Twintania | The Lavender Beds | Ward 26 | Plot 57
Twintania | The Lavender Beds | Ward 26 | Plot 57
Twintania | The Lavender Beds | Ward 26 | Plot 57
Twintania | The Lavender Beds | Ward 26 | Plot 57
Twintania | The Lavender Beds | Ward 26 | Plot 57
Twintania | The Lavender Beds | Ward 26 | Plot 57
Atomos | Shirogane | Ward 27 | Plot 53
visit Nintendo meowseum Carrd
(older PROJECTS)
PlayStation 5 Projects - Gallery
FC House "Little Lights" 1
FC House Hall "Little Lights" 2
FC House Basement Bar "Little Lights" 3
FC House Bathroom "Little Lights" 3
Spa Area Customer Cottage [Old]
Reading Area Customer Cottage [Old]
Bedroom Cottage Twim K. [Old]
Kitchen Cottage Twim K. [Old]
Private Apartment Twim K. [Old]
Dance Area "The UnderCat" [Old]
Whirlpool "The UnderCat" [Old]
Hall "The UnderCat" [Old]
Exalted Cinema & Bar 1 [Old]
Exalted Cinema & Bar 2 [Old]
Twim's Old House 1
Twim's Old House 2
Twim's Old House 3
Twim's Old House 4
Room Tani K. Nighthaven 1
Room Tani K. Nighthaven 2
Room Tani K. Nighthaven 2
Room Wind-Up Twim Nighthaven 1
Room Wind-Up Twim Nighthaven 2
Cottage Mia T. 1
Cottage Mia T. 2
Cottage Mia T. 3
Cottage Mia T. 4
FC Cottage Stardust Crusaders 1
FC Cottage Stardust Crusaders 2
FC Cottage Stardust Crusaders 3
FC Cottage Stardust Crusaders 4
Cottage O'tyada T. 1
Cottage O'tyada T. 2
Twim K. Room
Dah'rian F. Cottage 1
Coming up with a design for your personality isn't something that can be put in a table. I will give you advice on what will fit your personal taste or the theme you have in mind for your project. We find out together what's right for you. If you want a modern style or something that still looks to be vanilla. If you are okay with seeing the original structure of the building or if you want to hide that. More and more question will raise like color choices and items that you want to have in your house or project. With the limited item slots, it has to be discussed if every space (Room/Floor) is used. Also, if I have to make another Character on your Home world or if you provide access another way. Do you craft the items (which is more work for me because I have to think about what I need before that) or do you provide Gil for it? - Do you want to have Tribe reward / PVP or doman enclave items in it, or even some MogStore items? - We find that out together. Feel free to contact my on social media or on discord.
Photo Gallery & GPOSES by Twim
Twim's family tribe was working for the DartanCOURS familiy in Haukke manor. Twim was born there. His birth-mother got him out of there in a cloudy night - and Twim never saw his family again.Twim grew up somewhere in Thanalan raised by a lovely Lalafell family. He was called T'Wim Tia as a little kitten by his new family to fit in with the other Seekers of the Sun but Twim is a Keeper of the Moon.

Because his story is bound to the DartanCOURS familiy Twim decided to drop the tribe name and twist my last name. So some day Twim Kersel was reborn.As a child his Lalafell mother took him to Ul'dah. Twim always liked his tail. His mother set up a little tail-contest that he won. The myth of his award-winning tail was born.He learned the arts of being a floortank (Dragoon) and does his best to keep the meme alive. Now Twim became a small DJ and designs some houses and venues at the sides.
Club Pictures (provided by their photographers)